While some of the symptoms of poor indoor air quality are obvious, others may surprise you. When you sneeze or have watery eyes, you probably think of dust or other airborne pollutants as being the cause. However, when you are chronically fatigued, nauseated or experience headaches, it may not occur to you that poor indoor air quality is to blame. At Bryans United Heating and Air Conditioning, a HVAC company in New Orleans, Louisiana, we recommend regular air duct cleaning and air conditioning maintenance as a primary method of reducing or eliminating your symptoms.

The air ducts of your air conditioner play an important role in their overall functioning because they help to move cool air throughout your New Orleans home. Air ducts also tend to collect mold, bacteria, dust, dead insects and other harmful pollutants inside of them. That is why arranging for annual air duct cleaning is so important to your family’s health. Since you can’t see these harmful particles, you may not realize the havoc they are wreaking on people in your home with allergies or asthma. Air duct cleaning also contributes to a more efficient air conditioner, which in turn leads to lower operating costs.

In addition to air duct cleaning, Bryans United Heating and Air Conditioning recommends that you have air conditioning maintenance performed every spring. Many people put off having air conditioning maintenance performed because they don’t see any major problems with their unit. What you may not realize is how crucial annual air conditioning maintenance is for your air conditioner to perform at the expected level. Without routine maintenance, it can be sluggish, produce uneven cooling or not turn on at all. Our service technicians make sure that all parts of the air conditioner are both clean and functional for the summer season ahead.

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