Knowing when to repair or replace your HVAC unit can seem tricky to many homeowners, but we’re here to tell you that it’s easy to decide when you know these three signs. It’s important that your Metairie, Louisiana, home is comfortable, your repairs are cost-effective, and your home has good indoor air quality. If you notice any of these three signs when assessing your HVAC unit, it may just be time to replace it.
Rising Costs
Homeowners often only assess the cost-effectiveness of their HVAC system by the number on their energy bill each month. However, it’s important to also notice how much the repairs and maintenance cost each year. The cost of repairs can really add up, and at a certain point, they will not be worth making on an older unit. If repairs to your HVAC unit are becoming frequent and costly, it might be time to look into a new air conditioner.
Your HVAC unit might also be costing you extra money as it ages if it isn’t managing your home’s humidity properly. If you’ve noticed your home seems damp or your skin feels clammy in the summer, you might have a high humidity problem. This means an issue with your air conditioning. In the winter, you might notice dry skin and static electricity if your humidity is too low. Humidity issues are another sign that your HVAC unit isn’t cost-effective and should be replaced.
Poor Indoor Air Quality
If you’ve noticed your indoor air quality doesn’t seem as good lately, you might consider replacing your HVAC unit. As your air conditioner ages, the ductwork may begin to leak, and air from your attic may begin to filter into your home. Additionally, your air filters, which remove pollen and allergens from the air, may not be functional or existent. The health and safety of your family is important to us at Bryans United Air Conditioning, and we want to make sure your HVAC unit is putting healthy air into your home.
Ineffective Heating or Cooling
An inefficient HVAC unit will cost you money by ineffectively heating or cooling your home. One of the signs that your heater is inefficient is if you have rooms in your home that are not heated to the set or the desired temperature. An older unit might have trouble heating your entire home, meaning you’ll notice that some rooms are much warmer than others. If your bill keeps getting higher, but your home feels less comfortable than in previous years, it might be time to look into a new HVAC unit.
If you don’t have a programmable thermostat and spend much of your day outside your home, it’s important to consider installing one with your new HVAC unit. Newer HVAC units come equipped with programmable thermostats. They automatically adjust your air conditioning to be warmer during the day when no one is home and cooler to be comfortable when you do return home. Programmable thermostats help you to save money, keep your home comfortable, and not overstress your air conditioning with constant cooling.
If your air conditioner uses R-22 for its refrigerant, it’s definitely time to consider installing a new HVAC unit. The federal government is phasing out R-22, as it’s an inefficient refrigerant. Newer refrigerants are more cost- and energy-efficient, saving you money in the long run. If you do have a unit that uses R-22, you can still buy it. However, the prices are continuously getting higher, meaning you’ll be paying more to repair a unit that is already less energy efficient.
If your HVAC unit has become cost inefficient, creates poor indoor air quality in your home, inefficiently heats or cools, is getting old, or is just in poor condition, it’s time to call Bryans United Air Conditioning for a consultation. We’ll send out one of our well-trained, professional technicians to check on your HVAC unit and let you know if it’s time to replace instead of repair your unit. When you’re ready, just give Bryans United Air Conditioning a call at 504-208-2071 to set up your appointment.
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