zoning systemsZoning systems treat your home like the diverse assortment of temperature needs that it truly is. In the typical residence, the one-size-fits-all thermostat setting doesn’t optimize comfort or energy efficiency throughout the whole house. For example, in split-level structures, upstairs temperatures typically run as much as 10 degrees higher than downstairs since heat rises. But when someone adjusts the home’s single thermostat to cool things off up in a bedroom, people in a downstairs den get chilly.

Zoning systems divide your home into two or more individually-controlled comfort zones without installing a second HVAC system or separate ductwork.

How Zoning Works

Electric dampers installed in existing ductwork divert airflow from the furnace or air conditioner to specific zones. Operated by a central controller receiving signals from thermostats in each zone, the dampers open and close on command to keep temperatures at the setting on the dedicated thermostat. Dampers open and close independently and the configuration allows airflow to all zones or to only specific zones at any given time.

Which Homes Benefit Most?

The temperature flexibility of zoning systems is particularly helpful in homes with certain characteristics. Obviously, split-level homes are high on the list because of the natural temperature differential between floors. However, it’s also useful in homes with large windows that gain or lose heat readily, or where an attic or basement has been converted to a living quarters. Houses with high ceilings or a loft or sunroom can also benefit from placing those areas with special temperature needs into a independent zone.

Advantages of Zoning Systems

Zoning produces lower monthly operating costs because temperatures in areas of the home that aren’t occupied can be separately adjusted and occupants won’t have to over-correct at a central thermostat in order to keep diverse parts of the home at the proper temperature. In addition, HVAC equipment in a zoned system cycles on and off less frequently, incurring less wear and extending the service life of the furnace and A/C.

For more information on zoning systems and how your home might benefit, contact Bryans United Air Conditioning.

Image Provided by Shutterstock.com

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